Scrippy 35 Vahlun
Du skal bruge:
1 billed. 812 x 562
1 gradient 200 x 200 lys
1 gradient 200 x 200 - mψrk
1 baggrund med mψnster
1 bεnd vandret 1624 x 2
1 bεnd lodret 2 x 1204
Materialer kan hentes her
1.* Background use the selected color
2.* Background gradient lys
3.* Positioned Container left 10 right 10 top 10 bottom 10
4.** Background use the selected color
5.** Frame groove 1 color
6.** Positioned Container left 4 right 4 top 4 bottom 4
7.*** Background gradient mψrk
8.*** Positioned Container left 10 right 10 top 10 bottom 10
9.**** Background use the selected color
10.**** Frame groove 1 color
11.* Positioned Container center 0 size 1000 top 50 bottom 50
12.** Background baggrund med mψnster
13.** Frame groove 1 color
14.** Positioned Container left 50 right 50 top 50 bottom 50
15.*** Background use the selected color
16.*** frame groove 1 color
17.*** Positioned Container center 0 same as... - top 50 same as...
18.**** Positioned Image - Billed center 0 center 0
19.*** Positioned Container left 0 size 855 top 123 same as...
20.**** Background bεnd-vandret scrolling right 50 fast layer with other objects horizontal spacing 2048 horizontal start -1624
21.*** Positioned Container right 0 size 855 top 538 same as...
22.**** Background bεnd-vandret scrolling left 50 fast layer with other objects horizontal spacing 2048 horizontal start 862
23.*** Positioned Container left 116 same as.... top 50 size 562
24.**** Background bεnd-vandret scrolling down 50 fast layer with other objects vertical spacing 2048 vertical start -1204
25.*** Positioned Container right 116 same as... top 50 size 562
26.**** Background bεnd-vandret scrolling up 50 fast layer with other objects vertical spacing 2048 vertical start -1204
Husk at hvis du anvender et andet billed, sε kan / skal du tilpasse punkt 19-26
27.* Option
28.* Message area left 300 right 300 top 750 bottom 150
29.* Ticker husk kredit til Vahlun-Design
30.* sound
Copyright Vahlun-Design